That's how long it's been since I posted last, I am a bad blogger!
Truth be told I do find it easier updating the facebook page and that seems to be gaining in popularity by the day, so thank you if you're following me on there.
I may as well start this year's blogging by reviewing 2013. I didn't make a vast amount of tack, and all were sets made for customers. Pieces completed this year included:
A racing bridle,
a side-saddle set,
a draught horse presentation set,
a cross country set,
a racing saddle with breastplate,
a simple hunt bridle, and last but not least,
a jumping saddle
Which is about the same as last year, equivalent to 5 sets of tack. But whilst I am slightly disappointed that I can't seem to manage any more than this, I am exceptionally please about the quality. I really am producing the best ever tack that my hands have ever created and seem to be able to carry that through to all styles and scales.
A lot happened during 2013 on a more personal level, including a trip back to the UK, the death of a close relative and issues of inheritance, and the best part which was the decision to start a family. That last one means that as of April 2014, our family will grow and I will be a mummy! We are really excited about this new phase of our lives and so far my pregnancy has gone really well. We found out just before Christmas that we are expecting a girl and I've found it quite hard to stop myself buying too many pink things! Meanwhile I am intending to keep working as long as possible, which means I am often tired, possibly grumpy, and for the next two months, very hot. We are well into the Australian summer now and so to escape the heat we are off on a 'babymoon' next week to cooler Tasmania with a few days in Melbourne thrown in.
I currently have 3 orders on the books which are a side-saddle set, a lower level dressage bridle, and a dressage set which was my Down Under Nationals donation. I'm intending to get all of these finished by March at the latest, to leave myself free to enjoy being a mum without any pressures of tack making for a while. Now I am being stern about this, so please don't ask if my books are open, they are not. Time will tell once the baby arrives if I am able to find some spare moments to make things. But they will likely be sales pieces or pieces for my own collection.
Now I'm also selling a fair few models to create space in the studio/nursery, and have/will be advertising them on MH$P, facebook and various other places. I may even try the odd one on here but I don't think my readership is large enough to support sales unfortunately. Otherwise they're going into boxes and who knows when they'll next see light of day!
Hope you enjoyed reading about my year, and also hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year!
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